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Doug Tinaglia
Faribault Middle School

        Hello and Welcome!  My name is Doug Tinaglia, I teach sixth grade communications, math and social studies.  This is my eleventh year teaching at FMS on team 602.  I currently hold a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Chadron State College in Earth Science, a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Mankato State and a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from Southwest State University.  My family and I have been living in the Faribault area for the last seventeen years.
Please feel free to call or email me with any questions.

Keep an eye on this site, more to be added later


Tuesday, March 31

Three branches of Government.

Wednesday, April 1

Continue with 3 branches of Gov. All three are due at the end of class!

Thursday, April 2

Complete the questions on Executive and Legislative branches. Questions due at end of class.

Friday, April 3

All 3 branches due today!

Monday, April 6

Handback graded quizzes and three branches of government sheet.  Progress reports are also being handed out.  Reviewed the three branches of government.

Tuesday, April 7th
Viewed Three Branches of Government video.

Wednesday, April 8th
River Bend Nature Center field trip.

Thursday, April 9th

Introduced how a bill becomes a law.

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